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About the Journal
Journal of Applied and Natural Science is indexed in Scopus (CiteScore 0.8, SNIP 0.224, SJR 0.166), a part of UGC-CARE List Group II (Journals indexed in globally recognised databases.) and has a NAAS score 5.42. Please see the listing on the Scopus website: https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21101016916

Publish scientific research views in the field of agriculture, biological and environmental sciences to promote speedy propagation of quality research information.

4 issues/year: March | June | September | December
Our team has over 10 years of research publication experience. We have published more than 1000 research publications.

Double-Blind: The identity of authors is not known to the reviewers and vice-versa. Learn more

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Green Policy
As part of our Go Green initiative, we print very limited hard copies. This helps us fulfill our commitment to care of the earth for ourselves and generations to come.
As part of our Go Green initiative, we print very limited hard copies. This helps us fulfill our commitment to care of the earth for ourselves and generations to come.

Online ISSN: 2231-5209 | Print ISSN: 0974-9411
Online ISSN: 2231-5209 | Print ISSN: 0974-9411
Subject Areas For Submission of Research Papers
Agricultural Science | Animal Sciences | Bioinformatics | Biochemistry | Biophysics | Bio-mathematics | Biotechnology | Computational Biology | Environmental Science | Microbiology | Plant Sciences

Scopus (CiteScore 0.8, SNIP 0.224, SJR 0.166), Netherlands | ProQuest (Part of Clarivate), USA | UGC-CARE List Group II, India | Google Scholar | NAAS Rating: 5.42 | Chemical Abstract Services (CAS), USA | J Gate, India | Indian Science Abstracts | Ulrichs - Web Serial Solutions, USA | EBSCO: Academic Research Ultimate Database, USA | Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (CABI) Abstracts/Global Health, UK | Open Archives: OAI-PMH Registered Data Provider, USA | PKP Index, Canada | WorldCat, USA | Microsoft Academic | Dimensions- Digitial Science, UK | CORE, UK | BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), Germany | AGRIS Database, FAO (United Nations) | Scilit, Switzerland| Index Copernicus (ICV: 100), Poland | Researcher.Life, Cactus Communications | Journalspedia, Asian Council of Science Editors | Cabell's Journalytics, USA
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Applied and Natural Science Foundation is a registered not-for-profit organization
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Research Articles
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Journal of Applied and Natural Science is an Open Access | Peer-Reviewed journal. It provides a platform for researchers and scientists to publish scientific research views in the field of agriculture, biological and environmental sciences to promote the speedy propagation of quality research information.
Online ISSN: 2231-5209 | Print ISSN: 0974-9411