Peer Review Procedure

Journal of Applied and Natural Science follows the Double-Blind peer review policy starting from March 2019.

All articles reviewed earlier were done under the Single-Blind policy.

As per the double-blind policy, the identity of authors is not known to the reviewers and vice-versa. To ensure that no author information is shared with the reviewer’s, our editorial team does an initial assessment of the manuscript to make sure that all the author details are removed from the manuscript before sending the same to reviewers.

We believe this will further help the peer-review process by reducing the chances of bias. We expect our reviewers not to discriminate and make decisions that may be based on the origins of the manuscript, including the nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, or religion of the authors. The review should also not be affected by a potential conflict of interest with the authors.

Total anonymity, (though not guaranteed) encourages non-discriminatory and healthy peer-review.