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Publish scientific research views in the field of agriculture, biological and environmental sciences to promote speedy propagation of quality research information.
Publication Frequency
4 issues/year: March | June | September | December 


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Online ISSN: 2231-5209 | Print ISSN: 0974-9411

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Agricultural Science | Animal Sciences | Bioinformatics | Biochemistry | Biophysics | Bio-mathematics | Biotechnology | Computational Biology | Environmental Science | Microbiology | Plant Sciences



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Research Articles

Utilization of whey proteins for producing low-fat mayonnaise via complete and partial egg replacement

Baidiaa Hafidh Mohammed, Dhia Ibrahim Jerro Al-Bedrani, Zehraa Ressan Kareem Shati, Ashraq Monir Mahmed, Ali M. Saadi

14 - 23

Prevalence of BlaOXA-48, BlaDIM-1, and BlaKPC1 genes in carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas species isolated from wastewater and clinical samples from Baghdad hospitals

Majid Ahmed Al-Bayati , Mohammed Fadhil AboKsour, Buthainah Mohammed Taha, Nadheema Hammood Hussein , Sarah Yahya Haider

24 - 30

Effect of potassium through polyhalite on growth and yield of onion Var. CO(ON) 6

P.K. Karthikeyan , P. Vijay, D. Gokul, K. Swetha Reddy, R. Bhuvaneswari

39 - 44

Development and characterization of water-in-water emulsion using pea protein and different gums

A.D. Srikanth Tangirala, Prakyath S, Karthimol A, Sunil C.K., Ranjaragan J, Rawson A


Vulnerability of Rural Households to Flooding in Gicumbi District, Rwanda in Africa

Ange Josiane Uwayisenga, Ibidun Adelekan, Nicholas Oguge

162 - 178

Detection of adulteration in Moroccan and Egyptian sesame oil using Isotopic analysis and Infrared spectroscopy

EZHANI Widad, Mohamed EL BAKKALI, Nour Eddine AMENZOU, Mohamed Ebn Touhami, TAOUS Fouad , HABSAOUI Amar

186 - 192

Antioxidant properties of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) husk-derived peptides

Serhii Shchypanskyi, Nataliia Raksha, Tetiana Vovk, Tetiana Halenova, Olexiy Savchuk

200 - 204

A new spectral index for vegetation extraction using satellite data

Arindom Ain, Minakshi Gogoi, Dibyajyoti Chutia


Evaluation of the potential anticoagulant properties of medicinal plants’ extracts

Y. P. Kale , B. V. Jaiwal , A. B. Patil , P. J. Doshi , P. J. Chhabda


Molecular identification and proximate composition of wild edible wood growing mushrooms of Mizoram, North East India for food safety and livelihood

VL Thachunglura, John Zothanzama, Zohmangaiha Chawngthu, Lallawmkima Bochung, R. Vanlalmalsawmi, Prabhat Kumar Rai


Identification of most prominent parents and cross combinations in indian mustard for seed yield and quality traits

Durga Prasad, Rajendra Kumar Yadav, Shiv Prakash Shrivastav, Mohammad Amir, Deshraj Gurjar, Kanhaiya lal


A study on Ochromonas sp. as an alternate microalgal biomass for the synthesis of proteins and carotenoids

Mellvan Prakash, Dhamodhar Prakash, Renju Raju, Gowrishankar B, Vignesh Dinesh


Evaluation of bacterial biosurfactant activities as an anticancer and antibiofilm agent

Nassir Abdullah Alyousif, Yasin Y. Y. Al-luaibi, Wijdan H. Al-tamimi


Potential of Stenotrophomonas rhizophila as plant growth promoting rhizobacterium to improve the growth of mustard crop

A. Philomena Joy Lindsey, S. Murugan, J. Veninstine Vivik, D. Gershom, R. Emilin Renitta


Impact of different storage ecospheres on germination and growth characteristics of Cork Oak (Quercus suber l) seeds

Marwan YM El Fargani, Amal El Khaddari, Mohamed Ouajdi , Ismail Ettaleb, Jalila Aoujdad , Lahcen Zidane


Potential effect of Escherichia coli Shiga toxin metabolites in the induction of cognitive dysfunction and stress memory formation in naïve goldfish Carassius auratus

Murugan Mukilan, Gopalakrishnan Leela, Raja Edison Helen Bebisha, Senthilkumar Pruthivi , Muanandan Kavitha Sunitha


A study on the vegetative survival of some blue-green algae in the soil of  Baghdad city, Iraq

Intesar Kareem Abdulhassan, Hayder Adil Hadi Al-Musawi, Rihab Ismail Khaleel, Amal Jabbar Hammood


Impact of high-temperature stress on anatomical adaptations in mungbean genotypes

Monika Janaagal, Sridevi Tallapragada, Sarita Devi, Gayatri Kumari, Anita Kumari, P Bhasker, Sunder Singh Arya

377 - 382


383 - 388

Imidacloprid (IMI) toxicity in fishes: A review

Harkrishan Kamboj, Sanjeet Kumari , Nivedan Bhardwaj

435 - 449

Multivariate morphometric analysis of Meloidogyne spp. in Tamil Nadu, India: A PCA-based approach to population differentiation in carrot ecosystems

Lalson Wesly Johnson, Raja Swaminathan Vairavan, Kalaiarasan Palanisamy, Devrajan Kandasamy, Archana Arunachalam

450 - 459

Journal of Applied and Natural Science is an Open Access | Peer-Reviewed journal. It provides a platform for researchers and scientists to publish scientific research views in the field of agriculture, biological and environmental sciences to promote the speedy propagation of quality research information.

Online ISSN: 2231-5209 | Print ISSN: 0974-9411