Response to nitrogen management through different sources and modes on the productivity of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) in the North Cauvery deltaic zones of Tamil Nadu
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Intensive agriculture with mono-cropping leads to many losses in terms of soil fertility concerns. Similarly, the inclusion of quality protein and dietary fibre in food consumption is quite alarming due to the majority of health issues faced by human beings. However, several crops are on the list, and only a few crops, pseudo-cereal like quinoa, can survive in climate-resilient conditions with higher protein content in their grain. Though quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is a new emerging crop in India, the present study aimed to ascertain its productivity response for different sources and modes of nitrogen. The field experiments were conducted in farmers' fields in Sivapuri village, Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu, from February to May 2022-23. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with eight treatments and replicated thrice. The growth parameters and yield components of quinoa increased due to nano fertilizers sprayed under the vegetative and flowering stages. The results exposed that positive influence noticed on the growth and yield attributes such as Plant height (139.7), Leaf Area Index (LAI) (2.44), Dry Matter Production (1018.8 kg ha-1), Number of branches plant-1 (38.08) yield attributes such as panicle length (35.9) number of panicle plant-1 (8.69) number of grains panicle-1 (3182.5), grain yield 2655 kg ha-1 and stalk yield of 3331.8 g ha-1 in RDF (NF) + 0.5% N through Nano Urea (Foliar) imposed treatment (T8) over other combination of fertilizers sources and modes of treatments which added another platform to the beginners of quinoa growing farmers in north Cauvery deltaic zones of Tamil Nadu.
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Foliar, Nano fertilizers, Nitrogen, Pseudo cereal, Quinoa, Yield
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