Detection of vegetation cover change in the Southern region of Bangladesh using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices
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Bangladesh is extremely vulnerable to climate change, and vegetation indices serve as sensitive indicators. Due to the impacts of climate change, the cropping intensity of Southern region of Bangladesh is very low. So, this study aimed to analyze the changes in vegetation cover over time using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and identify the use of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) technologies and the benefits of using such technologies. A questionnaire survey was carried out by purposive random sampling method to detect 120 farmers’ socioeconomic status, hazards faced by climate change, adopted climate smart agricultural practices and its benefits for assessing Adaptive Strategy Index (ASI) in Amtali upazila of Barguna district and Kalapara upazila of Patuakhali district. NDVI analysis of multi-spectral remote sensing data from 2012 and 2022 indicated the extent of sparse vegetation of Kalapara has increased. Western part of Amtali upazila, fallow areas have become lessened in 2022 (354.55 km2) compared to 2012 (368.78 km2) due to adopting different CSA practices. Saline-tolerant crop varieties, sunflowers, and watermelon cultivation were the highest ranked among the CSA practices, with 301, 300, and 296 ASI, respectively. Calculated weighted average of CSA practices indicated the reduction of production cost, increased family income (49.19%) and cropping intensity (51.67%), which impacts developed social bonding.
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Adaptation Strategy Index (ASI), Climate Change, Climate Smart Agricultural Practices, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Satellite imagery, Sparse Vegetation
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