
K. Chauhan S. Rani


The chronic metabolic disease known as diabetes mellitus causes hyperglycemia in the body. Antioxidant and antidiabetic qualities are well-known benefits of Hibiscus rosa sinensis (HRS). In this work, diabetic Wistar albino rats were used to assess the antidiabetic properties of HRS flower extract. A total of 18 animals were taken and divided into three groups (n = 6) – (Group 1): Normal control group, (Group 2): Diabetic control group, (Group 3): Diabetic group treated with a 125 mg/kg dose of HRS flower extract. Group 2 animals showed a progressive decrease in body weight, while Group 1 animals showed a considerable gain in body weight. After overcoming the weight loss, Group 3 animals also showed an increase in body weight that was similar to Group 1. Group 2 animals had blood glucose levels higher than 400 mg/dL, but Group 1 animals had blood glucose levels below 200 mg/dL throughout the experiment. Group 3 animals first had glucose levels higher than 350 mg/dL and then lower than 200 mg/dL, comparable to Group 1 animals. Upon histological examination, the pancreatic islets of Group 2 animals showed vacuolation, necrosis, and degeneration. The animals in Group 3 displayed regenerated islets of Langerhans and enhanced pancreatic anatomy. The animals in Group 3 also returned to normal in terms of body weight and blood glucose levels, similar to those in Group 1. These findings show that Hibiscus rosa sinensis has potential as an alternative diabetic treatment; further research is needed to fully understand its modes of action and long-term effects.





Diabetes, Glucose, Hibiscus rosa sinensis, Histology, Pancreas

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Evaluation of antidiabetic potential of Hibiscus rosa sinensis on streptozotocin-induced diabetes on Wistar albino rats. (2024). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 16(1), 245-250. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v16i1.5334