
Divyanshi Shukla Brij Nath Tewari Sunil P Trivedi Shraddha Dwivedi Vivek Kumar Vidyanand Tiwari


Raw ingredients directly affect the quality of processed foods. Along with improvements in processing technology, processed food production has grown significantly. The percentage of bakery products in total food consumption is very high, and soft bakery foods despite having a short shelf life, are well-liked because of their deliciousness. Special attention is paid to muffins with various combinations of nutritive ingredients and organoleptic qualities. Recent research studies have extensively covered the use of various fruits, vegetables, and grain and their by products as raw materials and value-added incorporation in the muffin to produce a nutrient-rich and highly valuable muffin. The present study provides a detailed observation of three major categories of incorporated ingredients, including fruits, vegetables, and their processing by products, as well as some other grain-based ingredients used as raw materials that add value. The study compiles a brief for their use in baked goods while reviewing the literature on ingredients. The findings of the literature analysis show an increase in the nutritional content of bioactive substances like antioxidants in the muffins. It has been revealed that using ingredients derived from fruits and vegetables is safer and more effective in terms of nutrition. Muffins may have a higher quality and better nutritional profile when certain combinations of fruit- and vegetable-based ingredients are added to the main ingredient. It will be helpful to researchers, food manufacturers, and small and medium-scale bakery unit operators about various aspects of the raw materials and properties connected with new muffin formulations and the standardization of stabilized products.





Bakery products, Convenient foods, Enriched muffins, Muffins, Value added muffins

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Quality and functional attributes of muffins with incorporation of fruit, vegetable, and grain substitutes: A review. (2024). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 16(1), 344-355. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v16i1.5330