Dissecting the biochemical and hormonal changes of thidiazuron on defoliation of cotton CO17 (Gossypium hirsutum) to enhance mechanical harvest efficiency
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Using chemical defoliants to remove cotton leaves represents a groundbreaking shift in cotton cultivation. The mechanization of cotton harvest is increasing, but a substantial amount of foliage that remains on the plant even at maturity is the major barrier for mechanical harvest. Properly completing mechanical and manual harvests requires artificial leaf detachment through defoliants. Still there is no proper defoliant concentration, application times and mechanism of action available. Therefore, the present study aimed to find an effective defoliant and application time to enhance mechanical harvest efficiency, along with a clear description of the mechanism of actions in cotton CO17 (Gossypium hirsutum). The field experiment was conducted during the year 2019-20 and used five concentrations of Thidiazuron defoliant (100, 150, 200, 250 and 300ppm) and Ethephon@0.5% (T2) in cotton variety CO17 to study the physiological, biochemical and hormonal responses at 120, 127 and 134 days after sowing. As a result, the concentrations of plant growth hormones, indole-3 acetic acid (4.9 fold), zeatin (32.7%) and gibberellic acid (7 fold) reduced. In contrast, abscisic acid (48.6%), jasmonic acid (34.9%), salicylic acid (2.15 fold) increased in the T7- Thidiazuron + Diuron (300 ppm) treatment followed by T5-Thidiazuron + Diuron (200 ppm). Additionally, the antioxidant enzymes ascorbate peroxidase, peroxidase, catalase, superoxide dismutase, cellulase in leaves, petiole and bolls were decreased due to defoliant T5- Thidiazuron + Diuron (200 ppm) followed by T7-Thidiazuron + Diuron (300 ppm), indicating that the hormone concentration, antioxidative and hydrolytic enzymes are ruled out and forces the defoliation process.
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Antioxidants, Cotton, Calcium, Chemical defoliants, Leaf abscission, Magnesium, Plant hormones
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