
Chinnasamy G P Sundareswaran S Renganayaki P R Vetrivel M


An experiment was made to standardize the radicle emergence test to predict the field emergence performance in ten different seed lots [L1 to L4: high vigour lots (> 90 % germination), L5 to L7: medium vigour lots (80-90 % germination) and L8 to L10: low vigour lots (< 80 % germination)] of rice cv. CO 51. The results showed that the significant differences are observed in physiological and biochemical parameters in different seed lots. The seed vigour was classified into three groups viz., high, medium and low vigour based on the relationship between mean germination time and field emergence. When the Mean Germination Time (MGT) was < 34 hours, the field emergence was > 85 per cent, which was considered as high vigour; when the MGT was 34-35 hours, the field emergence was 80-85 per cent, that was considered as medium vigour; when the MGT was > 35 hours, the field emergence was < 80 per cent, that was considered as low vigour. The radicle emergence test (2mm radicle length) was highly negatively correlated with mean germination time (-0.930**) followed by mean just germination time (-0.852**) and electrical conductivity of seed leachate (-0.827**) and it was positively correlated with field emergence (0.894**) followed by germination (0.878**) and dehydrogenase activity (0.864**). The R2 values between seed vigour parameters and radicle emergence test were significantly higher in 2mm length of radicle emergence when compared with 1mm length of radicle emergence. Finally, the study concluded that 36 hour MGT with the attainment of 2mm radicle emergence percentage could be used as a quick method to assess rice seed lots' quality by the seed analysts and seed industry.




Field emergence, Germination, Radicle emergence, Rice, Vigour

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Radicle emergence test as a quick vigour test to predict field emergence performance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seed lots. (2021). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 13(SI), 86-93. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v13iSI.2805