
E. Pasupathi M. Murugan C. Chinniah J. Ramalingam G. Karthikeyan S. Harish


The present study aimed to investigate the effect of age of the okra plants that showed varying whitefly resistance responses on the transmission rate of okra enation leaf curl virus (OELCV) by its vector whitefly Bemisia tabaci. The OELCV infected whitefly adults were collected from whitefly colonies and were challenged on the test okra accessions (Upl mona 2, Co 1, Arka anamika and AE 64) of differential ages which were individually caged (7, 10 and 15 d after germination) with glass chimney and the number of such whiteflies used were at the rate of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 20 adults per plant. Observations were made on the virus symptom expression 30 d after challenge. The efficiency of transmission was determined. The efficiency of transmission of OELCV was the highest (maximum T and P*, 0.80, 1.00 and 0.08, 0.10) when 7 d old seedlings were inoculated (Arka anamika and AE 64 respectively) and transmission had decreased as the age of seedlings increased. The estimated transmission rate for single whitefly (P*) increased with an increase in the number of whiteflies used per plant. Okra plant resistance to B. tabaci significantly changed the transmission rates of OELCV on okra. Understanding the resistance mechanisms of the okra accessions and interactions between plant viruses and their insect host can pave the way for novel approaches to protect plants from virus infection.




Bemisia tabaci, Okra, Okra enation leaf curl virus, Transmission rate, Whitefly

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Effect of okra plant resistance on transmission rate of okra enation leaf curl virus by its vector whitefly, Bemisia tabaci . (2021). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 13(SI), 63-68. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v13iSI.2778