
H. P. Ranjitha R. Paramesh H. E. Shashidhar N. Amruta S. P. Kiran


A field experiment was conducted to know the effect of water regimes on seed quality parameters of rice and the was conducted by using factorial randomized complete block design, with two genotypes (BI-33 and Jaya) and two planting methods (Aerobic and Wetland). The resultants seeds were taken to conduct laboratory experiments pertaining to seed quality attributes and the studies revealed that the BI-33 under aerobic condition had shown a significantly higher seed quality with respect to germination (99%), mean seedling length (26.75cm), seedling dry weight (10.42 mg), SVI-I (2648) and SVI-II (1032) , highest total dehydrogenase activity (0.53 OD @ 480nm), highest amylase activity (14.67 %), highest total soluble protein content (7.15%) and recorded less EC (70.95 ?Sm-1/ppm). The experimental results revealed that both the genotypes and method of planting contribute for seed quality of the genotypes which were grown under different water regimes. The genotype grown under aerobic condition was better in seed quality parameters compared to wetland condition.




Aerobic rice, Genotypes, Germination seed quality, Water regimes

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Effect of water regimes on seed quality parameters of rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown under aerobic and wetland conditions. (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(3), 1546-1550. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v8i3.998