
Chaman Lal Chandresh Guleria R.S. Prasher Ravinder Sharma


The present investigation examined the various factors affecting people's participation in the planning, implementation and maintenance of JFM programmes in the tribal distrct (Kinnaur) of Himachal Pradesh. In total, 10 factors were identified that influence people’s participation in Joint Forest Management (JFM) activities in the study area, which were independently affecting in all of three development blocks. District as a whole factors affecting in decreasing order were Lack of awareness about participatory forest management (66%), lack of co-ordination with forestry officials (64%), non availability of routine funds (56%), lack of training and visit programme (56%), clash between agriculture and JFM activities (54%), lack of emphasis on quick economic activities (49%), improper usufruct sharing (43%) etc. were some of major factors that influenced people’s participation. Policy and development emphasis on these factors, particularly taking into consideration the geography and need based activity in the various development blocks will increase the people’s participation in similar kind of projects.




Activities, Factors, Joint forest management, People’s participation

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Factors affecting people’s participation in joint forest management programmes in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh, India. (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(3), 1530-1533. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v8i3.995