
P. K. Yadav M. K. Jat Abha Tikkoo S. S. Yadav S. K. Sharma


The aim of this study was to determine the long term use of sodic waters and gypsum on physico-chemical properties of coarse textured loamy sand soil. The study consisted of three natural occurring underground sodic waters and amendment gypsum in various cropping systems. The results demonstrated that sodic water irrigation significantly decreased infiltration rate (1.46 & 1.09 cm hr-1) and soil porosity (35.66 & 33.26 %) and increased soil strength (17.49 & 17.67 kg cm-1), pH (9.52 & 9.66), exchangeable sodium percentage (48.00 & 55.00), sodium adsorption ratio (45.14 & 54.10 (mmol/l)1/2) and calcium carbonate content (2.15 & 2.44 %). The gypsum application significantly improved infiltration rate (2.20 cm hr-1) and soil porosity (38.7 %) and reduced soil strength (16.74 kg cm-1), soil pH (9.35) exchangeable sodium percentage (39.00), sodium adsorption ratio (36.93 (mmol/l)1/2) over a period of thirty years. A significant CaCO3 build up in soil was also observed with gypsum application (3.28 % 4.56 %) as compared to its content at the start of study. Thus, it is concluded that in coarse textured soils of North west India, sodic waters up to RSC 12.0 me l-1 could safely be used crop production in combination with gypsum in loamy sand soil without any adverse effect on the physico-chemical characteristics of soil.




Coarse textured soil, Gypsum, Soil properties, Sodic water

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Three decades of using of gypsum under sodic water irrigation in coarse textured soils. (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(3), 1456-1461. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v8i3.982