
S. Srinivasnaik M. Suganthy S. Mohan Kumar V. Jegadeeswari


Survey, monitoring and documentation of entomofauna of cocoa was carried out in three cocoa growing states viz., Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh during 2014-2015. Results revealed that a total number of 23 species of insect pests and 13 species of natural enemies were documented and identified. Among the insect pests, 14, 2 and 7 species were sucking pests, borers and defoliators, respectively. Among the natural enemies, 7 species of predators and 6 species of parasitoids were documented and identified on different insect pests of cocoa. Among the insect pests, sucking pests were found to be predominant and maximum number of entomofauna were recorded in major coco growing areas of Tamil Nadu. From the results it was concluded that the list of entomofauna documented can enhance the knowledge on diversity of the entomofauna associated with cocoa in three different cocoa growing states. Sucking pests were found to be predominant and caused huge yield loss in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. While in Andhra Pradesh pod borer and bark eating caterpillar were found to be predominant causing severe yield loss. This information provides a base for development of location specific Integrated Pest Management module.




Cocoa, Documentation, Identification, Insect pests, IPM, Natural enemies, Survey

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Survey, documentation and identification of entomofauna of cocoa, Theobroma cacao L. in major cocoa growing regions of South India. (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(3), 1444-1451. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v8i3.980