
V. Sunitha T. V. K. Singh V. Ramesh Babu J. Satyanarayana


Insecticidal resistance studies against third instar larvae of DBM (Plutella xylostella L.) were carried out to know the rate of development of resistance from F1 to F3 generations in Karnataka population. The third instar larvae obtained from field were subjected to bioassay studies with tested against acephate, cypermethrin, spinosad, cartap hydrochloride and Cry2Ab toxin using leaf dip method to calculate LC50 values. The LC50 values of the insecticides were further used to quantify the resistance in P. xylostella of parental generation (F0) from Karnataka field population. The survivals from F0 generation were reared to next generation (F1). Resistance development studies was assessed from F1 to F3 generation with third instar larvae in every generation with a concentration that caused 80.00 % mortality for all the test insecticides and Cry2Ab toxin. Results revealed that ((0.17 folds) no resistance was developed against acephate in F3 generation. In case of cypermethrin 2.33 folds. Resistance studies further revealed that 1.50 folds resistance was developed against spinosad, 2.28 folds against cartap hydrochloride and Cry2Ab toxin 1.49 folds resistance was recorded in F3 generation. The rate of development of resistance from F1 to F3 generations increased in all the test insecticides and Cry toxin, except against acephate in Karnataka population. This data will be useful in the development of insecticide resistance management approach for DBM.




DBM, Insecticide Resistance, Karnataka, Toxin

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Assessment of insecticides and Cry2AB toxin resistance development in Karnataka population of Plutella xylostella (Linn.). (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(3), 1380-1387. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v8i3.969