
S.D. Rathod B.M. Kamble D.K. Kathmale


The field experiment was conducted on performance of mole drainage under irrigated and waterlogged vertisols of Maharashtra at Agricultural Research Station, K. Digraj, Dist. Sangli (M.S.), India during 2009-10 to 2011 -12. An experimental layout of different mole spacings viz. mole drainage (MD) with 2 m (T1), 4 m (T2), 6 m mole spacing (T3) and without drainage i.e. control (T4) in a randomized block design with five replications. The results revealed that the weighted means of yield attributing parameters of chickpea and pooled mean of chickpea yield recorded highest in MD with 4 m mole spacing and which was at par with 6 m mole drain spacing as compare to control plot (without mole drainage). The MD with 2 m mole spacing recorded significantly lowest chickpea yield among mole drained plots which was at par with control. This study indicated that the MD with 4 m mole spacing is recommended for economically feasible production of chickpea under irrigated and waterlogged vertisols of Maharashtra.




Chickpea, Economic feasibility, Mole drainage, Mole spacing and Vertisols

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Research Articles

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Effect of low cost mole drainage technology on yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under waterlogged vertisols of Maharashtra, India. (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(2), 1035-1038. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v8i2.917