
Gagandeep Kaur Sidhu A.K. Singh Manpreet Singh


This work was undertaken to evaluate the effect of milling speed on the quality and shelf life of maize flour. Maize flour was prepared using low speed mini flour mill at 75 and 115 rpm and the results were compared with the flour prepared by commercial flour mill on the basis of recovery of flour, rise in temperature of flour, time taken, particle size distribution and changes in different quality parameters during storage. It was observed from the analysis that the recovery of flour was highest (95.26%) at 75 rpm speed although the time taken was more i.e. 27.27 minutes, but the rise in temperature during milling was very less (12.240C) as compared to commercial mill the temperature rose up to 31.120C. It was noted that the maize flour prepared at low speed was light yellow in color as compared to higher rpm which was dark yellow. The maize flour prepared at 75 rpm can be stored in low density polyethylene LDPE packaging material of (200 gauge) for two months without change in quality parameters. It was observed that the moisture content, protein content, fat content, alcoholic acidity and carbohydrates was significantly affected by storage time, packaging material and milling speed at P<0.05. Therefore, at low speed the storage stability as well as nutritional properties of the flour can be enhanced. The improved shelf life of flour can result in better marketability.




Maize Flour, Mini Flour Mill, Storage, Packaging material, Physico-chemical properties

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Effect of milling speed on the quality and storage stability of maize flour. (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(2), 1015-1021. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v8i2.914