
Rajesh Kumar Meena S.S. Parihar Man Singh Manoj Khanna


An experiment was conducted with aim to investigate the effect of sowing dates and irrigation regimes on wheat grain quality. There was four sowing dates [November 1(S1), November 16 (S2), December 1(S3) and December 16 (S4)], in main plots and four irrigation regimes [25% (I1), 50% (I2) and 75% (I3) maximum allowable depletion (MAD) of available soil moisture (ASM) and I4 – four critical growth stages in sub plots. The results revealed that hectolitre weight decreased from 80.2 and 81.4 kg hl-1 in S1 treatment to 78.3 and 79.4 kg hl-1 in S4 treatment and 79.9 and 81.5 kg hl-1 in I1 treatment to 79.0 and 79.9 kg hl-1 in I3 treatment in 2010-11 and 2011-12, respectively. Grain hardness outcome was ?75 in 2010-11 while it was <75 in 2011-12 irrespective of sowing dates and irrigation regimes. The highest percentage of flour recovery obtained in S1 treatment (68.2 and 63.2%) and I1 treatment (68.0 and 62.8%) with lowest coarse bran. On average, dry gluten content increased by 16.5 and 7.1% in S4 over S1 treatment in 2010-11 and 2011-12, respectively. Grain protein content increased from 11.9 and 12.8% in S1 treatment to 12.6 and 13.8% in S4 treatment in respective seasons. The milling and technological properties in S2 and I2 treatment was at par with S1 and I2 treatment. Therefore, it may be inferred that optimum milling and technological properties of wheat grain can be maintained by sowing till mid-November and irrigation scheduling up to 50% depletion of ASM.




Irrigation regime, Maximum allowable depletion, Sowing date, Wheat quality

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Effects of sowing dates and irrigation regimes on grain quality of wheat grown under semi-arid condition of India. (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(2), 960-966. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v8i2.905