
N. Khare A. D. Marak S. Rout


The present study on allelopahtic effect of L. leucocephala on pansy (V. tricolor L.) both laboratory and nursery conditions were undertaken. Leucaena which significantly reduced the seed germination in all treatments at 2% (43%), 3% (42%) and 4% (40%) over Control (Distilled water), except in treatment at 1% (55%) where
germination was found to be maximum over Control (Distilled water), this result shows the stimulatory effect on germination at 1% concentration of leaf leachate under laboratory condition. Leucaena soil in combination with Field soil showed stimulatory effect on the growth parameters in Pansy. Highest germination percentage (82%), fresh shoot weight (2.82g), fresh root weight (0.22g), dry shoot weight (0.50g), dry root weight (0.05g), vigor index (99.36) were recorded in treatment amended with soil 50% Leucaena soil and 50% Field soil and inhibitory effect was seen in pansy when amended into with 100% Leucaena soil under nursery condition. From this study it appears that Leucaena produces allelopahtic substrates, increase in concentration exhibit adverse effect on germination and growth parameters. Hence it is suggested that pansy could be affected economically but this tree can very well adapt to diversified soil condition.




Allelopathy, Leucaena, Leachates, Pansy

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Allelopathic effect of Leucaena leucocephala on Pansy (Viola tricolor L.). (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(2), 926-930. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v8i2.899