
B. Arunkumar K. P. Viswanatha Baba Fakruddin D. Krishnamurthy


The climatic situation in north eastern parts of Karnataka (except Bidar district) is almost similar to that of Rajastan. There is considerable area under rainfed situations and guar being a highly drought and temperature tolerant summer annual legume crop, there is hope for guar as an alternate and contingent crop during drought year in this region. With this objective effort were made to introduce, evaluate and to identify suitable gum guar varieties for North eastern parts of Karnataka. Ten gum guar varieties developed, released and cultivated in Rajasthan, Haryana and Gujarat state were evaluated in Agricultural Research Stations (ARS) located in Bidar, Gulbarga, Yadgiri, Bellary and Raichur districts of Karnataka during Kharif 2013-14. At Bidar, the top entry with respect to yield was HG-884 (679.00 Kg/ Ha), Variety RGC-1031 (793.00 Kg/Ha) performed well with respect to seed yield in Gulbarga district. Genotypes GAUG-13 (614.00 Kg/Ha) and RGC-986 (501.00 Kg/Ha) recorded higher seed yield respectively, in Bellary and Yadgiri district. At Raichur GAUG-13, recorded highest seed yield of 1432.00 Kg/Ha. Over the locations genotype GAUG-13 recorded highest seed yield of 759.00 Kg/Ha followed by HG-884 (700.40 Kg/Ha) and RGC-986 (696.60 Kg/Ha). The varieties tested exhibited considerable significance differences among themselves at four locations, except at one location (Agricultural Research Station, Bheemarayanagudi, Yadgir district). Variety GAUG-13, recorded highest seed yield over three locations indicating its wider adaptability.




Ancillary characters, Genotypes, Guar, Seed yield, Performance

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Evaluation of the performance of gum guar varieties in north eastern Karnataka, India. (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(2), 923-925. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v8i2.898