
H. M. Pallavi K. Vishwanath Bapurayagouda Patil N. Naveen Manjunath Thattimani


Present study was conducted to analyze the anatomical structure of seed to study the dormancy behaviour in Chamaecrista absus. Seed germination behaviour was also studied after breaking the seed dormancy by artificial seed treatments. The anotamical studies revealed that seed has apical hilar region and seed coat has four layers consisting of outer cuticle, sub cuticle, palisade layer and inner tegma leading to physical dormancy. Outer cuticle and sub cuticle layers are very hard to break naturally and hence seeds possess hard seed coat dormancy. This physically hard seed coat should be made soft to enhance germination. Studies to break dormancy were conducted involving treatments like hot water, hormones and in combinations of both. The results revealed that seeds dipped in boiling water made inner layers permeable for water absorption in hilar region and thus germination enhanced. In specific seeds treated with boiling water for 5 minutes recorded higher germination (82 %) over untreated control (26 %). . Other artificial treatments with hormones gibberellic acid (33 % ) and ethrel (34 % ) did not enhanced the germination significantly over control. C. absus has hard coat dormancy and can be overcame by treating seeds with boiling water treatment.




Germination enhancement, Hard seed coat, Hot water treatment, Physical dormancy, Plant hormone

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Seed anatomical studies on dormancy and germination in Chamaecrista absus. (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(2), 868-873. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v8i2.888