Economics analysis of tomato cultivation under poly house and open field conditions in Haryana, India
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In the present paper an attempt has been made to study the comparative economics of tomato cultivation under poly house and open field conditions in Karnal district, Haryana. Production and marketing constraints under poly house cultivation have also been identified. The primary data for the agriculture year 2013-14 were collected by personal interviews of the selected farmers with the help of a specially designed schedule. Simple statistical tool like Averages and percentages were used to compare, contrast and interpret the results properly. The overall findings of the study reveal that the cost of cultivation of tomato under poly houses was higher by Rs. 206816.90/acre as com-pared to open field conditions. At the same time, the net returns under poly houses were higher by Rs. 51097.54/acre. Farmers realized 53.71 % higher yield of tomato under poly house as compared to open field conditions. The gross return, returns over variable cost and net return were also higher by 106.94 %, 160.70 % and 48.70 %, respectively in case of poly house as compared to open field conditions. The results of the study also revealed that the tomato cultivation under poly houses has significantly contributed to the yield.
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Comparative economic analysis, Cost, Open field condition, Poly house
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