
Sonia Tewari Seema Kwatra Neha Triphati


Aging is a biological process and is associated with decrease in the physical activity level. With the aim of assessing the functional fitness level of senior citizens, sample size comprised of 90 i.e. 45 males and 45 females (15 male and 15 female from each age group viz. 60-64 year 65-69 year and 70-74 year) were chosen conveniently from Haldwani Block of district Nainital, Uttarakhand, India. The Senior Fitness Test was conducted to collect experimental data. With age, lower body strength of males changes but not in case of females. The other functional parameters amongst males and females i.e. upper Body Strength, lower and Upper Body Flexibility, Aerobic
Endurance and Balance does not depend on the age. Out of six parameters of functional fitness, it was found that the average mean score of lower body strength (5.96), upper body strength (3.52) and aerobic endurance (4.85) of males and females are highly significant at 1% level of significant while average upper body flexibility (2.52) of males and females were significant at 5 % level of significance. With time, society has witnessed significant changes in lifestyle pattern, arising nuclear family groups, dual-earner families, competitiveness and rural-urban or cross-country immigration among young children. The scenario thus further placed need to lay emphasis on
functional fitness of elderly population so that the older parents who are living alone can be functionally active and independent and care and rare themselves. Assessing the functional level of elderly can serve as a preventive measure prior to any functional limitations.




Aerobic Endurance, Ageing, Flexibility, Functional Fitness, Strength

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Functional fitness: A key to independent and active living in the later age. (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(2), 711-714. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v8i2.862