
S. K. Das B. Biswas K. Jana


Field experiments were conducted for three years at Pulses and Oilseeds Research Station, Berhampore, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India during rabi 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 to study the effects of farm yard manure (FYM), phosphorus and sulphur on yield parameters, yield, nodulation, nutrient uptake and quality of chickpea. The experiment was laid out in a factorial randomized block design with three replications having twelve treatment combinations viz. two levels of FYM (F0-0 t ha-1, F1 -5 t ha-1) as factor A , three levels of phosphorus (P0 -0 kg ha-1, P30 -30 kg ha-1, P60 -60 kg ha-1) as factor B and two levels of sulphur (S0 -0 kg ha-1, S20 -20 kg ha-1) as factor C. Experimental results revealed that yield attributing characters, yield and protein content of chickpea were significantly influenced by FYM, phosphorus, sulphur and interaction effects of these three factors. Significantly higher seed yield (2458.03 kg ha-1) was obtained with the application of FYM 5 t ha-1 over it’s non application. Application of 60 kg ha-1 phosphorus recorded significantly higher seed yield (2735.50 kg ha-1) of chickpea cultivar Anuradha. Application of 20 kg ha-1 sulphur recorded significantly higher seed yield (2532.32 kg ha-1) over it’s non application in a sulphur deficient soil. Among the interaction effects application of 60 kg ha-1 phosphorus and 20 kgha-1 sulphur in Farm yard manure(5 t ha-1 ) treated plot recorded highest seed yield (2979.3 kg ha-1) . Application of sulphur 20 kg ha-1 increased the nodule no. by 14.4 %. Application of 60 kg ha-1 phosphorus and 20 kg ha-1 sulphur in Farm yard manure treated plot (5 t ha-1) increased the nodule no. by 62.3%. Varying levels of phosphorus along with sulphur and FYM significantly improved the nutrient uptake by chickpea in a sulphur deficient soil. Application of 60 kg ha-1 phosphorus and 20 kg ha-1 sulphur in Farm yard manure treated plot (5 t ha-1) along with recommended dose of nitrogen and potassium proved to be the best treatment combination for increasing the productivity of chickpea and thereby increasing the pulse production of the country.




Chickpea, FYM, Nodulation, Nutrient uptake, Phosphorus, Seed yield, Sulphur

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Effect of farm yard manure, phosphorus and sulphur on yield parameters, yield, nodulation, nutrient uptake and quality of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(2), 545-549. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v8i2.833