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Rakhi Murmu Abhilasha A. Lal


This study was carried out during 2012-2014 to determine the effect of locally available casing materials with association of bio-inoculant Pseudomonas putida. Six different combinations of casing mixtures were amended for evaluating its effect on yield, biological efficiency, protein and carbohydrate contents of Agaricus bisporus. A mixture of FYM + GLS + Vermi-compost + P. putida gave higher mushroom yield, biological efficiency, protein and carbohydrate content. It gave better yield (1306 g), biological efficiency (28.7%), protein (34.07%) and carbohydrate content (5.07%) respectively when compared with other treatments. In addition, waste tea leaves took minimum period (33.00 days) for initiation of pin head when compared with others. Locally available casing materials along with P. putida incorporated in the casing soil can be an important factor to obtain maximum and assured yield in mushroom cultivation.

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Agaricus bisporus, Pseudomonas putida, Vermicompost, Waste tea leaves

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How to Cite

Biochemical estimation and cultivation of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach on different casing materials and bio-inoculant Pseudomonas putida. (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(1), 454-458.