Response of wheat cultivars to foliar potassium fertilization under irrigated saline environment
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A field experiment with split-split plot design (SSPD) was conducted to study the response of two winter wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) cultivars (viz. salt tolerant cultivar KRL-1-4 and salt non-tolerant cultivar HD-2894) under saline irrigation regimes with and without foliar potassium fertilization on growth and grain yield of wheat during rabi 2011-12 and 2012-13. Potassium in the ratio of K+: Na+ (1: 10) was applied as foliar application during the heading stage of the crop. Results showed that the grain yield of KRL-1-4 and HD-2894 cultivars with foliar potassium fertilization at the heading stage increased by 6.5 to 22% and 3 to 15% during rabi 2011-2012, respectively under different saline irrigation regimes as compared to the control. Moreover, the results of rabi 2012-13 showed an increase in grain yield ranging from 4.5 to 20% for KRL-1-4 as compared to the control. Statistical analysis of grain yield parameter showed that the foliar potassium application in both varieties resulted in significant yield difference at 0.05 probability level as compared to the non-foliar application. Overall, it was observed that the foliar potassium fertilization increased the grain yield of both wheat cultivars, while the salt tolerant cultivar performed better than the salt non-tolerant cultivar under irrigated saline regimes.
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Foliar potassium fertilization, Saline water, Salt-tolerant cultivar, Surface irrigation, Wheat yield
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