Assessment of Penicillium bilaii inoculation in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for improving growth, yield and phosphorus availability in Mollisols of India
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A field experiment was carried out with an aim to study the influence of two strains of Penicillium bilaii (PB -201 and PB-208) inoculation along with superphosphate application on growth, yield and P uptake of wheat (cv. PBW-343) and, also to examine the inoculation effect on P availability, forms of P and soil properties in Mollisols of Uttarakhand, India. The results showed that both strains of P. bilaii effectively solubilized tri-calcium phosphate in Pikovskaya agar medium, which was much higher over native fungal isolates. Wheat seed inoculation with P. bilaii strains along with superphosphate levels significantly influenced shoot height, shoot dry weight, number of total and effective tillers, yield attributes, yield components, tissue content and uptake of P. The treatment T7 (P. bilaii, strain PB-208 + 50% P) has resulted into the highest amount of shoot height (87.9 cm at 90 DAS), shoot dry weight (1.5 and 3.8 g at 60 and 90 DAS, respectively), grain (66.8 q ha-1) and straw yield (42.7 q ha-1) and P uptake (26.5 kg ha-1). The Olsen-P, organic carbon, dehydrogenase activity and fungal populations also increased in soil inoculated with P. bilaii strains combined with superphosphate application compared to the control soil. The conjoint use of the fungal strains with or, without P fertilization has developed an antagonistic interaction that has caused decline in yield, tissue content and uptake of P and its availability in soil. In conclusion, it is possible to reduce the rate of soluble P-fertilizer added by 50% without reducing yield, if wheat is inoculated with P-solubilizing fungi like P. bilaii.
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Mollisols, Penicillium bilaii, Phosphorus, P-solubilizing fungi, Wheat
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