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N. Amruta P. J. Devaraju Mangalagowri Mangalagowri S. P. Kiran H. P. Ranjitha Kalavati Teli


A field experiment was conducted to assess the response of nutrient levels and spacing on seed quality attributes of black gram cv. LBG-625 (Rashmi). Experimental results revealed that fertilizer application of 50:100:100 + Black gram rhizobia (250 g ha-1) + PSB- Bacillus megaterium (250 g ha-1) recorded highest test weight (39.27 g), germination (90.60%), root length (15.77 cm), shoot length (13.43 cm), mean seedling length (29.20 cm), mean seedling dry weight (57.99 mg), seedling vigour index-I (2656), seedling vigour index-II (525), total dehydrogenase activity (0.998), protein content (23.16%), field emergence (86.56 %) lowest electrical conductivity (0.813 dSm-1) were superior over other fertilizer treatments. Among the planting geometry 60 x 10 cm recorded more germination per cent (90.48 %) compared to 45 x 10 cm (87.64 %) and 30 x 10 cm (86.91 %). Interaction of nutrient levels and spacing through the application of 50:100:100 + black gram rhizobia (250 g ha-1) + PSB- B. megaterium (250 g ha-1) with planting geometry 60 x 10 cm recorded more mean seedling length (34.40 cm), mean seedling dry weight (58.30 mg),and field emergence (90.24 %) lowest electrical conductivity (0.776 dSm-1) compared to control. The application of 50:100:100 + Black gram rhizobia (250 g ha-1) + PSB- B. megaterium (250 g ha-1) with planting geometry 60 x 10 cm were considered as seed quality improvement approach in blackgram, therefore conjunctive use of inorganic fertilizers and biofertilizer may be suggested for higher seed quality parameters along with overall betterment of crop.

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Black gram, rhizobia, PSB- Bacillus megaterium, nutrient levels

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Effect of integrated nutrient management and spacing on seed quality parameters of black gram cv. Lbg-625 (rashmi). (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(1), 340-345.