Effect of integrated nutrient management on the nutrient accumulation and status of post-harvest soil of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) under Nadia conditions (West Bengal), India
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A field experiment was carried out at the Central Research Farm, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal, India to study the effects of integrated nutrient management on the nutrient accumulation (dry weight recoveries) in brinjal and plant nutrient status of the post- harvest soil of brinjal under Nadia conditions. The results revealed that the treatment consisting of 75% RDF (RDF i.e. N:P:K:: 125:100:50) + Azospirillum + phosphate solubilising bacteria (PSB) + Borax @ 10 kg ha-1 recorded the highest oxidizable organic carbon (8.049 g kg-1), total nitrogen (1.05 g kg-1) , available nitrogen (212.67g kg-1), available phosphorus (76.20g kg-1) and available potassium (177.59 g kg-1) in the post harvest soils of brinjal. On the other hand, 75% RDF + Azospirillum + PSB + FeSO4 @ 50 kg ha-1 recorded the highest available iron (26.14 kg ha-1) and the treatment consisting of 75% RDF + Azospirillum + PSB + ZnSOâ‚„ @ 25 kg ha-1 recorded the highest soil available zinc (7.62 kg ha-1) while 75% RDF + Azo + PSB + Borax @ 10 kg ha-1 recorded the highest available Boron content (0.78 kg ha-1) of the post harvest soil of Brinjal. Highest brinjal yield (14.96 t ha-1) was supported by the treatment consisting of 75% RDF + Azospirillum + PSB + Boron @ 10 Kg ha-1. Meager information was available regarding the performance of integrated application of organics and micronutrient on brinjal in the experimental location. The present study may enlighten this unexplored section of nutrient management in brinjal.
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Azospirillum, Borax, Brinjal, PSB, Integrated Nutrient Management
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