Evaluation of IPM modules for the management of fruit borer and fruit rot diseases in tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Miller
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Among, five IPM modules tested against tomato fruit borer and fruit rot on tomato, the IPM module (M3) consisting of use of pheromone traps (@ 12 traps/ha) just after transplanting the tomato crop , Lycopersicon esculentum Miller for monitoring the population of Helicoverpa armigera . followed by three foliar sprays commencing with a mixture of lamba-cyhalothrin 5EC @ 0.8ml/L(0.04%) and Dithane Z-78 (Zineb) @ 2.5g/L (0.25%) after 10 days of appearance of moths in the traps (after 30 days of transplanting) followed by spray with a mixture of Helicide (Ha NPV) 100 LE @ 0.5ml/L+ Indofil M-45 @ 2.5g/L (0.25%) + Gur (0.05%) + Tween 80 (0.05%) after 15 days of first spray followed by spray with a mixture of lamba-cyhalothrin 5EC @ 0.8ml/L(0.04%) and moximate (cymoxanil + mancozeb) @ 0.25% after 15 days of the second spray was found to be most effective in minimizing the infestation of fruit borer and fruit rot diseases with 50.00% and 63.45% reduction over control, respectively. This module was also found to be most economic resulting in highest marketable fruit yield (255.94q/ha) and maximum net returns (Rs.10.36) per rupee spent. The present findings are of immense utility as there will be reduction in number of sprays resulting in the cost of production of tomato crop.
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Foliar sprays, Fruit borer, Fruit rot diseases, IPM module, Tomato
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