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H. Chowdhury B. S. Gotyal K. Selvaraj S. K. Sarkar


In vitro study was conducted to test mycellial growth inhibition effect of plant extracts on Macrophomina phaseolina causing stem rot of jute as well as for feeding inhibition and mortality on 3rd instar larvae of Bihar hairy caterpillar, Spilosoma obliqua Walker. The result revealed, at 2000 ppm, acetone extracts of sunnhemp and Azeratum conyzoides exhibited maximum of 34.44% and 41.85% mycellial growth inhibition respectively. Whereas, 83.32% and 66.67% spore germination inhibition of the fungus was observed respectively. At 5000 ppm, methanolic extracts of Crotolaria quinquefolia, garlic, curry leaf and turmeric oil recorded 35.55%, 44.44%, 50.00% and 70.00% mycellial growth inhibition of the fungus. Methanolic extracts of C. juncea, C. quinquefolia, curry leaf and garlic recorded above 80.00% feeding inhibition on S. obliqua and larval mortality of 20.00%-44.44%. It is clear that neem, sunnhemp, garlic and turmeric extract possess antifungal, insecticidal, antifeedant properties and may be integrated for management of stem rot as well as S. obliqua in jute crop.

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Feeding inhibition, Larval mortality, Macrophomina phaseolina, Plant extracts, Spilosoma obliqua, Spore germination

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How to Cite

Bioefficacy of plant extracts on stem rot, Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid and Bihar hairy caterpillar, Spilosoma obliqua Walker in jute crop. (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(1), 191-195.