Growth and production potential of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) as influenced by intercropping and integrated nutrient management
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A field experiment was conducted during the rainy season of 2010-11 at Varanasi to evaluate the production potential of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. Mill sp.) in intercropping with different fertility levels. The pigeonpea+urdbean intercropping system exhibited its superiority by recording higher growth attribute i.e. plant height (231.22 cm plant-1), no. of branches (18.20 plant-1), dry matter accumulation (213.25 g plant-1), LAI (3.45), yield attribute i.e. no. of pods (135.57 plant-1), no. of grain (4.06 pod-1), Test weight (106.07g), and yield i.e. grain yield (1792.29 kg ha-1) and stalk yield (7614.97 kg ha-1). Application of 100% recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF)+2.5t VC fertility level recorded its superiority by recording higher growth attribute i.e. plant height (232.42 cm plant-1), no. of branch (19.07 plant-1), dry matter accumulation (214.65 g plant-1), LAI (3.62) and yield attributes i.e. no. of pods (141.42 plant-1), no. of grain (4.13 pod-1) and test weight (108.22 g) and yield i.e. grain yield (1831.82 kg ha-1), and stalk yield (8221.61 kg ha-1) over all fertility levels. In the cultivation of long duration crops, the short duration crop may be used as intercrop to generate additional income for farmers’ and INM practices also reduce cost of fertilizer as well as environmental pollution.
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Economics, Fertility levels, Intercropping systems, Pigeonpea, Yield
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