
Tabrez Ahmad A. K. Sharma


Ecologically protozoa represent a model of interacting communities that exhibit various characters of structure and function of a micro-ecosystem and also an important component of food-chain. The present paper presents the first record of taxonomic composition and abundance of fresh water protozoans from ponds and Gomti River of Lucknow, U.P. India. A total forty seven protozoans were observed, studied thoroughly and identified. Total ten strains of flagellates, sixteen of amoebae, two testaceans; two heliozoans and seventeen different strains of ciliates were observed.




Protozoa, Ecology, Food-Chain, Ponds, River Gomti

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Research Articles

How to Cite

A study of fresh water protozoans with special reference to their abundance and ecology. (2009). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 1(2), 166-169. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v1i2.77