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P. S. Shehrawat Rati Mukteshawar Nora Abu Baker Saeed


The present study was undertaken in two purposively selected districts, namely Sonipat and Hisar of Haryana state and a total no. of one hundred twenty farmers were selected and interviewed to study the prospects of organic farming and to assess the constraints in adoption of organic farming. The finding regarding farmers’ per-
ception about input constraints in adoption of organic farming show that lack of knowledge and demand of bio pesticides (90.8%) was ranked first, the results regarding perception about technical constraints in adopting of organic farming reveals that non- availability of improved organic production technology and Lack of knowledge about weed management practices in organic farming were ranked first (94.2 %). The finding regarding farmers perception about marketing and economic constraints in adoption of organic farming showed that no separate market for organic produces and Weak marketing network /sale point both were ranked first with highest weight mean score (360). Absolutely hundred percent of the respondents had perceived it as most serious constraint in organic farming, the results show that transfer of technology constraints in adoption of organic farming namely, Data bank not available about consumers and demand was ranked first with highest weight mean score (2.98). Moreover 98.3 percent of the farmers had perceived it as most serious constraint in organic farming and the finding regarding farmers’ perception of certification constraints in organic farming shows that complicated process of organic certification was ranked first constraint (67.5 which in tern reflects the combersome procedure that may restrict the adoption of organic cultivation.

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Constraints, Organic farming, Prospects, Sustainability

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Study of constraints analysis in organic farming cultivation in Sonipat and Hisar district of Haryana state, India. (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(1), 100-106.