Constraints analysis in adoption of best farm practices towards sequestration of greenhouse gases
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The aim of this paper is to find out the major losses due to emission of green house gases (GHGs) and investigate the major constraints that are responsible for non-adoption of best farming practices to minimize the emission of GHG in agricultural sectors in Haryana state. The study was conducted in two districts of Haryana state namely; Hisar and Karnal. A total number of 120 farmers were interviewed to analyze the constraints in adoption of best farm practices towards sequestration of GHGs and losses occurred. The study resulted that very serious losses occurred due to greenhouse gases were found crop benefit ratio decreased with mean score of 1.23, crop damaged due to adverse climatic uncertainty (1.07), crop production decreased (0.89), sowing season changed (0.86), loss in bio-diversity (0.84), less income earned from agriculture (0.81), soil water holding capacity decreased (0.68). The other serious losses perceived due to emission of GHGs were deeper level of ground water table (0.31), cropping pattern and cropping system changed (0.28), high usages of inorganic fertilizers (0.23), soil fertility decreases (0.13). While the constraints that were found responsible in non-adoption of best farming practices towards sequestration of GHGs were noticed as non- availability of package of practices (96.11%), lack of awareness about health risk in humans (94.72%), no reward for adoption of environmental measures (93.05%), lack of demonstration/training for reducing GHG emission (91.11%), less credibility in farm practices (90%) were major problems observed in adoption of farm practices.
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Best practices, Constraints, Losses, Sequestration of greenhouse gases
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