Genetic variability studies in segregating generation for grain and nutritional quality traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
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The experimental materials used were four traditional landraces and six improved high yielding varieties of Tamil Nadu raised in during kharif 2012-2014. Genetic variability parameters on F3 population (20 selected F3 plants) of two cross combination viz., IR 72 x Veeradangan and ADT 39 x Kavuni in F3 population depicted wide range of variability and its ranged from 6.46 to 10.39 mg/100 g while it was from 5.39 to 7.65 mg/100 g in IR 72 x Veeradangan F3 population. Calcium content for IR 72 x Veeradangan in selected F3 population recorded wide range of variability and its ranged from 61.43 to 97.63 mg/100 g with a mean value of 80.67 mg/100 g whereas, ADT 39 x Kavuni in F3 population revealed the low range of variability and its ranged from 53.38 to 94.25 mg/100 g with a mean value of 79.58 mg/100 g for magnesium content. For iron content, IR 72 x Veeradangan in F3 population showed wide range of variability and its ranged from 0.53 to 1.03 mg/100 g with a grand mean of 0.80 mg/100 g whereas, ADT 39 x Kavuni in F3 population ranged from 0.61 to 1.33 mg/100 g and from with a grand mean value of 0.97 mg/100 g. For zinc content, wide range of variability was found in ADT 39 x Kavuni (1.43 to 2.16 mg/100 g) and in IR 72 x Veeradangan (1.51 to 1.98 mg/100 g) in F3 population.
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Genetic advance, Grain quality, Heritability, Nutritional traits, Rice, Variability
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