
P. N. Meena R. K. De A. Roy B. S. Gotyal S. Satpathy S. Mitra


This study was aimed to identify more sources of resistance in jute germplasm (Corchorus olitorius) against deadly disease of stem rot. Thirteen C. olitorius jute germplasm including one standard check (JRO-524) were evaluated against stem rot disease at Barrackpore, Coochbehar and Bahraich location for two consecutive years 2012-2013. Out of thirteen germplasms of jute, six germplasms OIN-853, OIN-651, OIN-154, OIN-125, OEX-27 and OIN-467, with disease rating scale (1.1-5) were found moderately resistant against the stem rot disease at Barrackpore and Bahraich location. Whereas, OIN-270, OIN-932, OIN-270, OIJ-52, OIN-270, OEX-15 and OIN-853 with disease rating scale (5.1-10.0) were found moderately susceptible at all the three location. Rest of the lines were either susceptible or highly susceptible. These germplasm lines OIN-853, OIN-651, OIN-154, OIN-125, OEX-27 and OIN-467, possessed good degree of resistance against stem rot of jute and were found moderately resistant under natural epiphytotic condition at Barrackpore and Bahraich location that would be further exploited for resistance breeding programme against this deadly disease.




Corchorus olitorius, Evaluation, Germplasm, Macrophomina phaseolina

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Evaluation of stem rot disease in jute (Corchorus olitorius) germplasm caused by Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. (2015). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 7(2), 857-859. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v7i2.696