
Chaman Lal Lalji Singh Varun Attri S. Sarvade


Tree species diversity, distribution and population structure of tropical forests of Bharnawapara wildlife sanctuary was investigated. The study analyzed the structure of a tropical dry deciduous forest in Chhatisgarh at different sites i.e. closed natural forest, open natural forest and plantation forests of teak. The study was conducted by laying 30 quadrats, each 10 m × 10 m in size at different sites. In total, 246 trees belonging to 28 species of 17 families were recorded from 0.3 ha sampling area. Density ranged between 520 to 990 trees ha-1 subsequently, basal area ranged between 21.50 to 47.30 m2 ha-1. The dominant tree species was Cleistanthus collinus with an importance value index (IVI) of 57.70. Other important species were Terminalia tometosa (IVI 47.10), Lagerstroemia parviflora (36.92), Diospyros melanoxylon (28.42) and Madhuca indica(26.03). The Shannon-Wiener index (H?) ranged between 0.19 to 3.35 and Simpson’s index (C) between 0.12 to 0.95 indicating high tree species diversity of tropical dry deciduous forests. It is evident from the study that natural forest has an edge over plantation forest in terms of species diversity, dominance and richness. Tree species diversity, distribution and population structure provide baseline information for conservation and management of tropical dry deciduous forests in India. Efforts are needed to conserve the natural forest for their diversity and existence. They can also be supplemented with plantation forests to lower the biotic pressure.




Basal area, Dry deciduous, Importance value index, Plant diversity, Population structure

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Tree species diversity, distribution and population structure in a tropical dry deciduous forests of Chhatisgarh, India. (2015). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 7(2), 681-685. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v7i2.666