
S. Ramesh Balakrishna Gowda H.B. Raghu B. C. Shivakumar


A replicated field experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Station (ARS), Madenur located in Hassan District, Karnataka in rainy season during 2007 to assess the manurial value of by-products of bio-diesel feed stocks-pongamia and neem oil seed cakes vis-à-vis conventional plant nutrients sources (combination of farm yard manure and inorganic fertilizers) on the grain and fodder productivity of finger millet, the staple food cereal of southern Karnataka. Grain and dry fodder productivity of finger millet crop grown using pongamia and neem seed
oil cakes is comparable to that grown using conventional plant nutrient sources. Application of plant nutrients only through pongamia and neem seed oil cakes resulted in higher available soil Nitrogen, Potassium and Organic Carbon contents.




Bio-diesel, Finger millet, Manure pongamia seed cake, Neem seed cake

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Manurial value of byproducts of bio-diesel feed stocks on finger millet grain and dry fodder productivity. (2009). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 1(2), 241-244. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v1i2.64