
A. K. Srivastava S. K. Yadav L. C. Diengdoh R. Rai T. K. Bag


The present study was carried out at Central Potato Research Station, Shillong during 2013 and 2014 to assess the growth and yield performance of three grades of in-vitro produced micro-tubers viz. >8 mm, 4-8 mm and <4 mm of two potato (Solanum tuberosum) cultivars namely Kufri Girdhari and Kufri Megha under field planting conditions. The experiment was laid out in a randomised block design with four replications using a common spacing of 50 × 20 cm. The larger grade micro-tubers generally exhibited better physiological growth as well as yield parameters. The larger sized micro-tuber (>8 mm) showed significantly superior plant survival, canopy cover, plant height, number of compound leaves per plant, number of stems per plant and plant vigour followed by 4-8 mm grade and <4 mm grade micro-tubers. Similar trend was observed for all the yield parameters. Among varieties, Kufri Girdhari out performed Kufri Megha in all the growth and yield parameters in all the micro-tuber grades. Thus both micro-tuber size and genotype influenced the field performance. The overall finding indicates that micro-tubers irrespective of the size for both the varieties can produce mini-tubers successfully under direct field conditions in the NEH region which will facilitate quality seed production.




Field performance, Micro-tuber grades, NEH India, Potato micro-tubers

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Effect of cultivars and seed size on field performance of potato micro-tubers in North Eastern Himalayan region in India. (2015). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 7(1), 335-338. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v7i1.611