Avian diversity and habitat assessment of insectivorous bird species in arid agro-ecosystem of Haryana, India
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Although studies have examined avian diversity in agricultural landscapes, the habitat analysis of beneficial bird species in arid agro-ecosystems remains unexplored. The present study aimed to assess the habitat of insectivorous birds within the rice-wheat cropping systems of Ahmadpur (Location I) and Mirpur (Location II) villages in the Sirsa district of Haryana during 2022-2023. The study documented 701 individuals of 63 avian species belonging to 14 orders and 38 families across the selected sites. Six feeding guilds were identified with insectivorous (40%) being dominant. Wheat (Rabi) and rice (Kharif) crop fields supported 50 and 62 avian species, with 6 and 14 being unique to each location. The House Sparrow was the most abundant species, with relative abundances of 23.17% at Location I and 18.06% at Location II. Nesting sites of 6 species at Location I and 9 species at Location II, with thorny trees in agricultural landscapes being the most preferred nesting sites. Cup-shaped nests were built by 44.45% of nesting species. Anthropogenic disturbances, predation and agricultural practices were the major causes of nest abandonment. Rice fields, and associated vegetation were found to provide essential breeding habitats and support for various bird species, particularly those favouring wetland habitats. The conservation and management of these ecosystems are vital for maintaining avian biodiversity and ensuring ecological balance in arid agro-ecosystems.
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Agro-ecosystems, Avian diversity, Anthropogenic disturbances, Feeding guilds, Nesting sites, Species richness
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