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Neelavathi R Shankaraswamy J Indu Rani C Arumuganathan T


Cultivation of acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) swingle) and lemon (Citrus limon L.) holds significant importance in India. Despite its economic importance, propagation faces challenges, primarily due to the recalcitrant nature of seeds, leading to loss of viability and lack of uniformity in seedlings. This necessitates the adoption of vegetative propagation method for producing true-to-type planting materials. Stem cuttings, budding and air layering are the primary methods employed, with stem cuttings being the most suitable for their simplicity and ability to induce precocity in fruit crops. The successful rooting of stem cuttings depends on the maturity of the cuttings, auxins, growing media, nutrition, irrigation water, endogenous food materials, season and microclimatic conditions. The maturity of cuttings influences rooting and uniformity, with virus-free hard, semi-hard, and softwood cuttings being preferred for propagation. The application of Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) significantly influences rooting. Cool season is generally favored for better rooting. Pre-conditioning treatments such as ringing, girdling and wounding influenced rooting. Microclimatic conditions, including temperature, relative humidity and light intensity, are critical for successful rooting. This review is a compilation of up-to-date research and development in stem cuttings of lime and lemon to understand better physiology, the role of auxins, growing media and microclimatic factors.


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Acid lime, auxins, Girdling, Growing media, Indole Butyric Acid (IBA), Lemon, Stem cutting, Rooting

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How to Cite

Propagation of acid lime, Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) swingle and lemon, Citrus limon L. through stem cuttings - A review. (2024). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 16(4), 1812-1823.