
Anurag Yadav R.C. Dubey Kusum Yadav


Effect of composite treatment of ectomycorrhizal fungus (EMF), Scleroderma bovista, along with mycorrhizosphere bacterial inoculants was studied for nine months on Quercus leucotrichophora plants grown in nursery glasshouse. Seven treatments comprising of one uninoculated control; two bacterial controls, Bacillus subtilis MB14 and Pseudomonas fluorescens MB 9, respectively; EMF control, S. bovista; two combinations of two bacterial treatments with EMF and one triple treatment of two bacteria with EMF, were used in the study. The ninth month of sampling showed that triple treatment of two strains of bacteria with EMF maximally enhanced root length (38.86 cm), dry weight (6.746 g), short roots (351.6), lateral roots (24.8) and EMF colonization (34.8%) of banj oak plant, which was fairly higher than uninoculated and bacterial controls. Bacteria treated plants showed no plant growth enhancement, whereas EMF treatment fairly enhanced plant growth. The co-inoculation practice can help oak plant in achieving the mycorrhization rate even with lower EMF doses. These findings will be beneficial for achieving the effective banj oak replantation in the Himalayan region.




Ectomycorrhiza, Growth enhancement, Mycorrhiza helper bacteria, Scleroderma bovista

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Growth and ectomycorrhization of banj oak plants co-inoculated with Scleroderma bovista and mycorrhizosphere bacteria. (2015). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 7(1), 265-272. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v7i1.600