Foraging ecology of wetland birds in heterogeneous habitats: A case study of the Dighal wetlands, Haryana, India
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Understanding the foraging ecology of wetland birds is essential for effective conservation and management strategies. The present study aimed to explore wetland birds' foraging guild structure, habitat characteristics and foraging techniques. The study was conducted at Dighal wetlands, an important bird area (IBA) in the Jhajjar district of Haryana, India, from April 2021 to March 2023. Ninety species of wetland birds, representing 23 families and 12 orders, were identified, with 30 being residents, 4 summer migrants, and 56 winter migrants. Utilizing multivariate techniques, birds were categorized into four foraging guilds (carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, and insectivores) and five distinct habitats (Terrestrial land, Agricultural land, Marshland, Shallow water, Deepwater). Marshland (70) recorded the highest number of species, followed by shallow water (65), agricultural land (45), terrestrial land (43), and the least observed in deep water (31). Carnivores constituted the dominant group (43.3%), followed by omnivores (30%), insectivores (20%), and herbivores (6.7%). Dabbling (18) emerged as the predominant foraging technique, followed by pecking (17), picking (16), probing (14), and others. The Dighal wetland emerged as a crucial resource for diverse bird species, serving as an important wintering ground and food source. This study deepens the present understanding of avian guild structure and offers valuable insights for conservation strategies to safeguard wetland bird populations.
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Feeding guild, Habitat heterogeneity, Trophic structure, Wetland birds
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