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N. Lavanya P. Laxminarayana K. B. Suneetha Devi G. Jayasree Lakshmi prayaga


Sweet corn (Zeamaysvar. saccharatasturt) is a high-value crop with rising demand. Efficient irrigation and fertigation management play a vital role in improving crop yield and quality. A study was conducted during the summers of 2020 and 2021 to evaluate the effects of drip irrigation and fertigation levels on the nutrient uptake and yield of high-density sweet corn grown in sandy clay loam soil under semi-arid conditions. The experiment used a factorial randomized block design with three replications and twelve treatment combinations, varying drip irrigation across three levels (0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 Epan) and fertigation across four levels: 100% recommended dose of nitrogen and potassium (RDNK) applied based on differential dosage (F1), 100% RDNK based on the crop coefficient curve (F2), 125% RDNK with differential dosage (F3), and 125% RDNK based on the crop coefficient curve (F4).Results showed that irrigation at 1.0 Epan (I3) achieved the highest cob yield (12,870 kg ha-¹  in 2020 and 12,337 kg ha-¹  in 2021), fodder yield (36,409 kg ha-¹  in 2020 and 35,044 kg ha⁻¹ in 2021), nutrient uptake, and crude protein content. Among fertigation treatments, F4 (125% RDNK based on crop coefficient curve) recorded the highest cob yield (12,349 kg ha-¹  in 2020 and 11,769 kg ha-¹ in 2021), nutrient uptake, and protein content.The study concluded that using 1.0 Epan irrigation combined with fertigation based on the crop coefficient curve (F4) is the most effective strategy, promoting nutrient uptake and maximizing sweet corn yield.


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Crude protein, Drip irrigation, Fertigation, Nutrient uptake, Sweetcorn, Yield

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Impact of drip irrigation and tailored fertigation levels at various stages of crop growth on the yield and nutrient uptake of high-density sweet corn (Zeamaysvar. Saccharata Sturt). (2024). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 16(4), 1780-1791.