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I Ketut Ginantra Anak Agung Ngurah Bagus Abimanyu Stephanie Regina


Mangrove forests, with their diverse flora and fauna, vegetation structure, unique root systems, mud flats, and intertidal habitats with high and low tides, are very attractive ecotourism attractions. The present study aimed to identify and interpret the diversity of mangrove flora and birds in the Batu Lumbang mangrove ecotourism area of Pemogan Denpasar Bali, Indonesia. Analysis of mangrove vegetation was carried out at four research stations using the square method, and observations of bird abundance were made using the point count method. The results showed that using mangrove forests in Batu Lumbang applies ecotourism principles. In the Segara Batu Lumbang mangrove forest, 9 species of true mangroves and 9 species of associated mangrove plants were found.  There were 30 species of birds belonging to 20 families. The diversity index of mangrove plants was 2.55, including the medium category. Several bird species were quite common and easy to find in this area, including the Little Pied Cormorant (Microcarbo melanoleucos), cave swiftlet (Collocalia linchi), greater egret (Egretta alba), small blue kingfisher (Alcedo coerulescens), and great billed heron (Ardea sumatrana). The bird diversity index was 3.28, which is in the high category. This shows that the condition of the mangroves in Batu Lumbang is stable. Information on the existence and interpretation of the characteristics of mangrove species and birds, the conservation status of species, and habitat use by birds are attractions in ecotourism. The mangrove and bird handbook is an important guide for guides or managers of ecotourism.


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Batu Lumbang mangrove, Birds diversity, Ecotourism attraction, Mangrove flora

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Diversity of plants and birds as an ecotourism attraction in the Segara Guna Batu Lumbang Mangrove Forest, Pemogan Denpasar Bali, Indonesia. (2024). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 16(4), 1466-1475.