
Babita Khachi Som Dev Sharma Ghumare Vikas Pramod Kumar Muzaffar Mir


The comparative efficacy of bio-organic nutrients on cropping behavior and fruit quality of kiwifruit was analyzed using farm yard manure (FYM), vermicompost (VC), biofertilizers (BF), green manure (GM), and vermiwash (VW). Among various treatments the combination of FYM at 15 kg/vine, GM, VC at 15kg/vine, BFat50-g/ vine and VW at 2kg/vine significantly improved cropping behavior. This superior combination also resulted in considerably greater amounts of leaf macro-and micronutrients: N (2.49%), P (0.26%), K (1.48%), iron (Fe: 208.0 mg/kg), copper (Cu: 17.8 mg/kg), zinc (Zn: 36.2 mg/kg), and manganese (Mn: 88.3 mg/kg),which might be responsible for better cropping behavior, productivity and nutrient profile for sustainable kiwi fruit production. It can be concluded that with use of various sources of bio-organic materials under organic farming regime, there will be sufficient improvement in fruit quality and plant nutrient contents.




Biofertilizer, Bio-organic nutrients, FYM, Green manure, Kiwi fruit, Vermiwash

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Study on comparative efficacy of bio-organic nutrients on plant growth, leaf nutrient contents and fruit quality attributes of kiwi fruit. (2015). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 7(1), 175-181. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v7i1.584