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Bidyabhusan Bera Kangujam Bokado Barkha


Climate-resilient farming represents a sustainable strategy for transposing and redirecting agricultural methodology to uphold food safety in the context of the evolving challenges of climatic variability acquired through various adaptation and mitigation strategies. The consequences of climate change have an enormous effect on agricultural operations due to their responsiveness to fluctuations in multiple factors, including temperature, rainfall, natural phenomena, and calamities such as floods and droughts. On average, these extreme weather patterns have the potential to influence agricultural earnings. Furthermore, rice-based production systems also significantly contribute to climatic change by increasing greenhouse gas emissions significantly. The mitigation of challenges can be achieved by augmenting farmers' adaptability while enhancing the flexibility and efficiency of resource utilization in agricultural systems. Several agricultural practices such as integrated nutrient management, integrated weed management, direct seeded rice, System of rice intensification, conservation practices, bed planting, crop residue management, etc. adaptation in agricultural production systems are beneficial approaches to mitigate climatic variability and sustain long-term ecosystems. The review will help build up small-holding farming communities' capability to get the maximum possible yield with current climatic variability.


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Direct seeded rice, Greenhouse gas, Integrated nutrient management, Integrated weed management, System of rice intensification

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How to Cite

Sustainable agronomic practices to increase climate resilience in rice-based cropping system: A review. (2024). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 16(4), 1530-1543.