Combined influence of shoot bending and plant growth regulators on morphological traits of Guava cv. Allahabad Safeda
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Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is a widely cultivated tropical fruit crop consumed raw and also in the form of processed products. Winters in Punjab show a drop in temperature, which hardens the fruit. Therefore, manipulation of the flowering season is desirable. Hence, the present study aimed to select an adequate combination of plant hormones and branch bending to amplify the quantitative traits in Guava cv. Allahabad Safeda. For combinations, three months for branch bending viz., August, September and October and three plant hormones: Naphthaleneacetic acid, Ethrel, and Gibberellins, with two different concentrations each (NAA@100ppm, NAA@200ppm, Ethrel@200ppm, Ethrel@400ppm, GA3@100ppm, GA3@150ppm were selected. The experimental layout was planned in two two-factor randomized block design (RBD) with twenty-one treatments. In the case of branch bending months, (M1) August branch bending gained ideal values in comparison with (M2) September and (M3) October. Combination of NAA at the rate of 200ppm with August branch bending (T2) gave more pronounced results for almost all vegetative parameters, while amongst plant hormones NAA at 200 ppm (C2) enhanced results for Canopy spread (N-S), canopy spread (E-W), length of internode and days for the emergence of new leaf 0.837m and 0.803m, 14.1cm and 27.33 respectively. Results vividly provide a strong base for selecting a combination of NAA spray at 200ppm concentration and August month for branch bending to uplift morphological traits in guava. Thus, these findings will favour horticulture breeders and farmers in harvesting profitable gains for field parameters by selecting a better combination of PGR and crop regulation measures from the off-season.
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Article Details
August, Branch bending, Crop regulation, Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), Plant hormones
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