
C. Sarathambal K. Ilamurugu L. Srimathi Priya K. K. Barman


In the context of increasing international concern for food security and environmental quality, the use of bioinoculants like diazotrophs and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for reducing chemical inputs in agriculture is a potentially important issue. The improvement in agricultural sustainability requires optimal use and management of soil fertility and soil physical properties, where both rely on soil biological processes and soil biodiversity. Biological nitrogen fixation by plant-associated bacteria is eco-friendly and has been effectively exploited for crop plants including legumes. Although associations of rhizobacteria with non-leguminous plants such as grasses have been known for decades, they have been poorly - studied. Weedy grass species normally thrive in adverse conditions and act as potential habitats for the diverse groups of elite bacteria with multiple beneficial characters remains unexplored. A more complete understanding of the diversity and functioning of rhizobacterial microorganisms, especially those that have symbiotic relationships with grass species is of great value for agricultural research and application.




Agriculture, Bioprospecting, Plant growth, Rhizobacteria, Weeds

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Research Articles

How to Cite

A review on weeds as source of novel plant growth promoting microbes for crop improvement. (2014). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 6(2), 880-886. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v6i2.549